3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life

Dr. Olivia Harper Harper brings good cheer! Three changes she says will help you see, To reduce that fat, oh so pesky! First, add protein, make it a treat, A tasty boost that can not be beat!

Next, watch those carbs, don’t let them roam, Keep them in check, make them feel at home! And last but not least, control that stress, Find joy and calm, it’s truly the best! With these three tips, you’ll surely find, A healthier you, oh so kind!

1. Prioritize Protein in Your Diet: Oh, the research is clear, it’s quite a delight! In the *American Journal*, they shed some light.

For folks over forty, especially those in a change, More protein is key, it’s not so strange! With a boost in their intake, they shed extra fat, While low-protein diets, well, they just fall flat!

Protein, oh what a treat, it keeps you full, can not be beat! It helps with weight loss, that is no lie, and reduces that fat that likes to lie high! To make your meals a delight, add protein-rich foods that are just right!

Seafood and poultry, eggs in a row, nuts and beans, let the goodness flow! Dairy products too, oh what a treat, for a diet that is balanced and oh so neat!

2. Manage Carbohydrate Intake Wisely: Oh, manage those carbs, do not let them run wild! Choose them with care, like a wise little child. Balance and measure, make choices that gleam, For a healthy diet is the best kind of dream!As you wander into your forties, oh what a sight! Hormones may change, and they might not feel right.

Insulin resistance could come into play, making it easier to gain weight day by day! With a watchful eye on carbs, oh what a delight! You can keep weight at bay and make your tummy feel light!

Nibble on goodies that are quick to digest, For balanced nutrition, they’re simply the best! With fibre aplenty and sugars that stay, You’ll feel oh-so-great throughout your whole day!

Choose the carbs that are complex and grand, like oats and brown rice, oh isn’t it grand? Whole grains and nuts, fruits, and veggies too, they’re all so delightful, just waiting for you!

3. Reduce Stress Levels: Oh, the demands of work and life, they can rise, Once you hit forty, oh my, oh my! Stress levels soar like a kite in the sky, And health may start showing its age, oh so sly!

When stress hangs around for too long, cortisol takes a ride, It boosts up the sugar, oh what a wild slide! Weight starts to climb, like a balloon in the sky, And visceral fat joins in, oh my, oh my!

Dr. Olivia Harper suggests doing things like regular exercise, meditation, activities outside, and spending time with family and friends to reduce stress, keep the weight off, and get rid of abdominal fat.

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